It appears as though Vitamin K, specifically K2, the form found mostly in meats and cheeses and is synthesized in the gut, has anti-cancer properties, including anti-tumour activities, growth-inhibitory effects and other properties that aid in apoptosis(programmed cell death) of cancer cells.
As the studies demonstrate, there are two naturally occurring forms of Vitamin K. Vitamin K1, which comprises about 90% of our Vitamin K intake, is found primarily in leafy green vegetables, and some fruits, such as avocado and kiwifruit. Vitamin K2, however, mostly comes from meat, eggs, dairy, natto (fermented soyabeans, especially popular in Japan), dried fruits and olives, and represents about 10% of our Vitamin K consumption.
But if you’re looking to boost your Vitamin K2 intake, it’s important to make healthy choices, such as non-fat or low-fat dairy products and lean meats and fish. As far as milk, cheese and meat are concerned, beware of saturated fats and other pro-carcinogenic properties related to cooking methods with some of these foods.