Fruit Custard

Fruit Custard

fruit custard (premix)


  • 4 Tbsp WeiKFiELD Custard Powder (or any other custard powder)
  • ½ litre milk
  • 3 Tbsp sugar


  1. Mix 4 level tbsps of custard powder with 4-5 tbsp of cold milk, to form an even paste.
  2. Boil the remaining milk and add 3 spoons of sugar.
  3. Add custard paste slowly to boiling milk, stirring continuously for 2 minutes or until your desired consistency is achieved. (If it’s of too thin consistency add some more custard paste to it until desired consistency is achieved). Here I made thin pouring consistency custard, if you want to make thick and jelly consistency custard then just increase the amont of custard paste till desired consistency is achieved.
  4. Let it cool under a fan and stir at regular intervals to avoid the formation of thick layer on top.
  5. When it cools down a little bit leave it to rest then cut the fruits which you like to add to this mix.
  6. I used apple, banana and pomegranate here. You can use any seasonal fruits you like, just avoid papaya and other acidic fruits. Apples and banana is the best combo.
  7. When it’s cold or mildly warm add fruits to it and mix well.
  8. Keep it in refrigerator for a couple of hours and serve chilled.

P.S. : Eat the fruit custard same day or the next day.

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